103 Matching Records: displaying 1 to 50
    1881     Census Records   
No. NameAge                RelationStatusM/FOccupationOccupation TypeHistorical AddressPlace of Birth
1.  Elizabeth Crowther 69 in 1881                 Head Unmarried F Interest on Money private means 1 Blenheim Parade Aston Somerville, Gloucestershire
2.  Elizabeth E Howison 42 in 1881                 Head Unmarried F private means 1 Fern Bank, [Pittville Circus Road] Chennai, India
3.  Sarah Owen 59 in 1881                 Head Widow F (Lawyers Widow) private means 1 Oakley Villas, [Pittville Circus] Honley nr Huddersfield, Yorkshire
4.  Emma D. Huddleton 72 in 1881                 Head Widow F Income derived from Funded property private means 1 Pittville Crescent Calcutta, India
5.  Elizabeth Newman 50 in 1881                 Head Unmarried F Income from Land & Dividends private means 1 Pittville Lawn Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
6.  Eliza A. Ievers 44 in 1881                 Head Widow F Pension & Interest of Money private means 1 Pittville Terrace -, India
7.  Johan T. A. Murray 49 in 1881                 Head Widow F Income, Houses, Dividends, Annuity private means 10 Clarence Square , Scotland