7 Matching Records: displaying 1 to 7
    1901     Census Records   
No. NameAge                RelationStatusM/FOccupationOccupation TypeHistorical AddressPlace of Birth
  190123 Pittville Lawn    
1.  Charles H Beer 45                 Servant Unmarried M Butler - domestic Class4 domestic service Roden House, Pittville Kingsteignton, Devonshire
2.  Elizabeth J Mead 32                 Servant Unmarried F Housemaid - domestic Class4 domestic service Roden House, Pittville Kingsteignton, Devonshire
  190133 Clarence Square    
3.  Mary Griffin 18                 Servant Unmarried F General Serv[ant]. Domestic class4 domestic service 33 Clarence Square Combe Florey, Devonshire
  190146 Clarence Square    
4.  Jane Coombe 47                 Servant Unmarried F Cook - Domestic class4 domestic service Needwood House Bridestowe, Devonshire
  1901Percy House, Wellington Square    
5.  Florence Lock 27                 Servant Unmarried F General Serv[ant] - Domestic class4 domestic service Percy House, Wellington Square Plymouth, Devonshire
  1901Park House, 30 Albert Road    
6.  Ellen Wright 28                 Servant Unmarried F Cook domestic class4 domestic service Sandown Lawn, Pittville , Devonshire
  1901Worcester House, Pittville Circus Road    
7.  Annie Paskey 47                 Servant Unmarried F Cook - Domestic class4 domestic service Pittville Circus Road, Worcester House Barnstaple, Devonshire

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