78 Matching Records: displaying 1 to 50
    1851     Census Records   
No. NameAge                RelationStatusM/FOccupationOccupation TypeHistorical AddressPlace of Birth
1.  Cath[erin]e Quarme 44 in 1851                 Servant Unmarried F House serv[an]t Class4 domestic service Camden Lodge -, Devonshire
    1891     Census Records   
2.  Jane Coombe 37 in 1891                 Servant Unmarried F Cook class4 domestic service Needwood House [Clarence Square] Bridestowe, Devonshire
    1901     Census Records   
3.  Jane Coombe 47 in 1901                 Servant Unmarried F Cook - Domestic class4 domestic service Needwood House Bridestowe, Devonshire
    1881     Census Records   
4.  Anne Adams 28 in 1881                 Servant Unmarried F Cook - Dom[estic] Serv[ant] class4 domestic service Strathdurn, [Pittville Circus Road] Brixham, Devonshire
    1851     Census Records   
5.  J. Dyer 27 in 1851                 Servant Unmarried F House Ser[van]t class4 domestic service 31 Clarence Square Hemyock, Devonshire