7 Matching Records: displaying 1 to 7
    1851     Census Records   
No. NameAge                RelationStatusM/FOccupationOccupation TypeHistorical AddressPlace of Birth
  185135 Clarence Square    
1.  E. Hitchcock 59                 Servant Married F House Ser[van]t class4 domestic service 35 Clarence Square Peopleton, Worcestershire
    1881     Census Records   
  188135 Clarence Square    
2.  Jane Pritchard 33                 Servant Unmarried F General Serv[ant] Do[mestic] Serv[ant] class4 domestic service 35 Clarence Square Llangrove, Herefordshire
    1891     Census Records   
  189135 Clarence Square    
3.  Mary J. Jones 23                 Servant Unmarried F Cook. Domestic Serv[ant] class4 domestic service 35 Clarence Square Westbury on Severn, Gloucestershire
4.  Elizabeth L. Harding 18                 Servant Unmarried F Housemaid. Domestic Serv[ant] class4 domestic service 35 Clarence Square Elkstone, Gloucestershire
    1901     Census Records   
  190135 Clarence Square    
5.  Alice V Wonson 20                 Servant Unmarried F General Serv[ant] Domestic class4 domestic service 35 Clarence Square Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
6.  Nellie Davis 20                 Servant Unmarried F Cook Domestic class4 domestic service 35 Clarence Square Gorsley, Gloucestershire
    1911     Census Records   
  191135 Clarence Square    
7.  Alice Louisa Heuschall 27                 Servant Unmarried F General Servant (Domestic) class4 domestic service 35 Clarence Square Cheltenham, Gloucestershire

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