7 Matching Records: displaying 1 to 7
    1851     Census Records   
No. NameAge                RelationStatusM/FOccupationOccupation TypeHistorical AddressPlace of Birth
  185163 Pittville Lawn    
1.  Agnes Beaufoy 78                 Head Widow F Landed Proprietor private means 13 Pittville Lawn Barbados, West Indies
  18512 Evesham Road    
2.  Frances Emery 69                 Head Widow F Landed Proprietor private means 1 Pittville Parade Biddlestone, Herefordshire
  185120 Clarence Square    
3.  Mary Winwood 58                 Head Widow F Landed Proprietor private means 20 Clarence Square , Carmarthenshire
  185136 Clarence Square    
4.  Mary Gordon 50                 Head Widow F Landed Proprietor private means 36 Clarence Square London, Middlesex
  185137 Clarence Square    
5.  Harriett Hewitt 60                 Head Widow F Landed Proprietor private means 37 Clarence Square Wakefield,, Yorkshire
  18512 Wellington Square West    
6.  Mary S. Weedon 42                 Head Widow F Landed Proprietor private means 2 Welling[to]n Sq[ua]r[e] W[est] Bristol, Gloucestershire
  1851Daylesford, Wellington Square    
7.  Mary E Parkhurst 72                 Head Widow F Landed Proprietor private means Wellington Sqr Bury, Suffolk

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