10 Matching Records: displaying 1 to 10
    1939     Register Records    
No. NameAge                Married Name/Military RoleStatusM/FOccupationOccupation TypeHistorical AddressDate of Birth
  1939Evesham House Evesham Road    
1.  Frank F. Griffiths 49                 Married M Retired motor tyre factor class10 motor tyre manufacturer 21 Evesham Road (Evesham House) 13 Jul 1890
  193994 Evesham Road    
2.  William R Bellerby 49                 ARP Warden County & City of Gloucester Married M Clerk in Holy Orders. Vicar of St. Pauls (C/E) Cheltenham class3 clergy 94 Evesham Road 4 Aug 1890
  1939104 Evesham Road    
3.  Arthur L. Morris 49                 Married M General Manager Gas Co, Public Utility Und[illegible] class21 gas manager 104 Evesham Road 17 Sep 1890
  193911 Clarence Square    
4.  Bertram Watts 49                 Married M Newspaper Composing Room Overseer class17 newspaper composition 11 Clarence Square 6 Aug 1890
  193937 Clarence Square    
5.  Arthur W. Barrell 49                 Married M Gave up business, Ill health private means 37 Clarence Square 21 Apr 1890
  1939Wellesley/Clarence Court Hotel Clarence Square    
6.  Seward Brice 49                 Married M Tea & Rubber Planter India class7 planter Wellesley Court Hotel, Clarence Square 6 Apr 1890
  193946 Clarence Square    
7.  Francis R. Jefford 49                 Food Executive Officer. Ministry of [?] Married M Chief Sanitary Inspector class1 sanitary inspector 46 Clarence Square 21 May 1890
  19399 Wellington Square    
8.  George S. Seabrook 49                 Married M Boarding House Proprietor class20 boarding-house keeper 9 Wellington Square 27 May 1890
  193910 Prestbury Road (Beauty Salon)    
9.  Charles W. H. Hall 49                 Married M Company Director Secretary Public Works Contractor class5 director 10 Prestbury Road (possibly 10-12) 11 Mar 1890
  193919b Pittville Lawn    
10.  Arthur S. Addicott 49                 Married M Builders Works Manager class12 builder's manager Flat I, 1 Berkeley Villas, Pittville Gates 19 Jul 1890

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