7 Matching Records: displaying 1 to 7
    1939     Register Records    
No. NameAge                Married Name/Military RoleStatusM/FOccupationOccupation TypeHistorical AddressDate of Birth
  193930 Clarence Square    
1.  Ernest I. Lenton 44                 Married M Engineering Buyer class3 engineer 30 Clarence Square 17 Dec 1894
  19391 Prestbury Road (empty shop)    
2.  Reginald Seth Fisher 44                 Married M Aircraft Fitter class6 aircraft manufacture 1 Prestbury Road 10 Aug 1895
  193935 Prestbury Road (Kitchen Retailer)    
3.  Arthur Harold A. Hyatt 44                 A.R.P. Rescue & Demolition Cheltenham Married M Builder & Undertaker (Heavy Worker) class12 builder 35 Prestbury Road 27 May 1895
  1939Cotswold Grange Hotel (A) Pittville Circus Road    
4.  Russell C. Atkins 44                 Married M Butler (domestic) class4 domestic service Cotswold Grange Cottage, Pittville Circus Rd 18 May 1895
  1939Formosa House, Northfield Terrace (flat A)    
5.  Frederick J Gerrard 44                 Married M Fitter Air craft class6 aircraft manufacture Formosa House, Northfield Terrace 1 Feb 1895
  193917a Clarence Square    
6.  Ernest H. Tustin 44                 Married M Fitter, Aircraft Factory class6 aircraft fitter 17 Clarence Square 12 Jul 1895
  193915 Anlaby Court, Evesham Road    
7.  Percival S Gurney 44                 Sergeant[?] Royal Artill T.A. Res. Of Officer. Also enrolled Nat Service Dept. Married M Commercial Traveller Draper + Linen (Travelling) class5 commercial traveller 15 Anlaby Court Evesham Road 19 Dec 1894

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