5 Matching Records: displaying 1 to 5
    1939     Register Records    
No. NameAge                Married Name/Military RoleStatusM/FOccupationOccupation TypeHistorical AddressDate of Birth
  193910 Wellington Square    
1.  James King 43                 Married M School Teacher class3 teacher 10 Wellington Square 4 Jan 1896
  19396 Prestbury Road - Leamington House (Chemist)    
2.  Geoffrey Gibbs 43                 Married M Pharmacist (Proprietor) class15 chemist 6 Prestbury Road 7 Oct 1895
  193967a Pittville Lawn    
3.  George F. Tawney 43                 Married M Trade Union Branch Secretary (full-time) class5 branch secretary 15 Pittville Lawn, B Flat 25 Sep 1896
  19399a Clarence Square    
4.  William H. Cheal 43                 Married M Coal Haulier, heavy work class9 coal haulier 9 Clarence Square 27 Jun 1896
  1939Irving House, Flat 3, Pittville Circus Road    
5.  Anthony G. Willis 43                 Married M Aircraft Worker class6 aircraft manufacture Askham House, Pittville Circus Rd 6 Mar 1896

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