7 Matching Records: displaying 1 to 7
    1939     Register Records    
No. NameAge                Married Name/Military RoleStatusM/FOccupationOccupation TypeHistorical AddressDate of Birth
  193937 Pittville Lawn    
1.  Maud A. Gregory 53                 Married F Unpaid domestic duties family 5 Pittville Lawn 29 Jun 1886
  193915 Clarence Square    
2.  Alice Fagan 53                 Married F Cleaner at College class4 caretaker 15 Clarence Square 26 Nov 1885
  193932a Clarence Square    
3.  May Taylor 53                 Married F Not Working class23 unemployed 32 Clarence Square (Basement) 5 Feb 1886
  193929 Prestbury Road (Estate Agent)    
4.  Alice Sarah F. Keck 53                 Married F Butchers Bookkeeper class20 butcher's clerk 29 Prestbury Road 19 May 1886
  1939Kingsmuir Hotel, Pittville Circus    
5.  Dorothy S. C. Field 53                 W.V.S. - C. D. Married F Unemployed Musician Housewife (unpaid) family Kingsmuir, Pittville Circus 16 Jul 1886
  193918 Northfield Terrace    
6.  Lucy M. Tomlin 53                 Married F Housekeeper Unpaid class23 pensioner 18 Northfield Terrace 17 Oct 1885
  1939Homespring House (D), Pittville Circus Road    
7.  Ethel M. Millar 53                 Married F Corsetiere class18 corsetiere Deanwood, Pittville Circus Rd 10 Feb 1886

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