10 Matching Records: displaying 1 to 10
    1871     Census Records   
No. NameAge                RelationStatusM/FOccupationOccupation TypeHistorical AddressPlace of Birth
  18714 Pittville Lawn, Napier House    
1.  Lilian A. Rae 1                 Daughter [Unmarried] F [blank] family Napier House Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
  1871Site of Marle Hill Lodge, Pittville Park grounds    
2.  Harriett Tovey 1                 Daughter Unmarried F family Marle Hill Lodge Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
  18711 Clarence Square    
3.  Kathleen B Whitlock 1                 Daughter Unmarried F family 1 Clarence Square Exeter, Devonshire
  18711 Wellington Square West    
4.  Clementina E. Haig 1                 Daughter Unmarried F family 1 Wellington Square West Dummugudem, India
  18712 Wellington Square West    
5.  Eloise M. Bull 1                 Daughter Unmarried F family 2 Wellington Square West Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
  1871Laurel Lodge, Wellington Square    
6.  Alexina A. Boissier 1                 Daughter Unmarried F family Wellington Square, Laurel Lodge Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
  187112 Prestbury Road    
7.  Adelaide F Giller 1                 Daughter Unmarried F family 3 Leamington Place Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
  1871Askham Court, Pittville Circus Road    
8.  Constance L Agg 1                 Daughter Unmarried F family Pittville Circus, Shirley Ho[use] Winchester, Hampshire
  18713 Northfield Terrace    
9.  Edith H Dodd 1                 Daughter Unmarried F family No 3 Northfield Passage [for Terrace] Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
  187115 Northfield Terrace    
10.  Edith F Smith 1                 Daughter Unmarried F family No 15 Northfield Terrace Cheltenham, Gloucestershire

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