10 Matching Records: displaying 1 to 10
    1939     Register Records    
No. NameAge                Married Name/Military RoleStatusM/FOccupationOccupation TypeHistorical AddressDate of Birth
  1939Bilbrook House, Winchcombe Street    
1.  William G. Paginton 54                 Married M Groom class4 domestic service Billbrook House 6 Dec 1884
  19391 Wellington Square    
2.  Bertie J. Greening 54                 Married M Training Coll. Sec. & Accountant class5 accountant 1 Wellington Square 14 Apr 1885
  1939Sligo House stables 2 Wellington Road    
3.  William Edwards 54                 Married M Taxi owner driver, own account class6 taxi-driver Tidmington Garage, Wellington Road 22 Dec 1884
  193941 Prestbury Road    
4.  Ernest W. Middleton 54                 PWC/151/200? Married M Dentist (own a/c) class3 dentist 41 Prestbury Road 11 Oct 1884
  19399 Prestbury Road (Take Away)    
5.  Arthur Harry Kimberley 54                 Married M Hairdresser class19 hairdresser 9 Prestbury Road 20 Oct 1884
  193927 Prestbury Road (Take Away)    
6.  Charles William Norris 54                 PWC/151/9661 Married M Dairy Manager class5 dairy manager 27 Prestbury Road 30 Aug 1885
  19393 Albert Road    
7.  William R. Poole 54                 Married M Mains Superintendent (Electricity), Local Authority class1 electricity manager 3 Albert Road 31 Aug 1885
  193959 Albert Road    
8.  Martin H. Hailes 54                 Captain, Emergency Reserve of Officers Married M DTS Burma Railways On leave class6 railways 59 Albert Road 19 Apr 1885
  193969 Prestbury Road (flat A)    
9.  Chas Jn. Sawyer 54                 Married M Director & Sec[retar]y of firm of Printers & Bookbinders class5 director 69 Prestbury Road 22 Oct 1884
  193933b Pittville Lawn    
10.  Edward H. Bufton 54                 Married M Paviors Labourer. Heavy Worker Local Authority class22 labourer 3 Pittville Lawn (flat B) 21 Jul 1885

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