9 Matching Records: displaying 1 to 9
    1939     Register Records    
No. NameAge                Married Name/Military RoleStatusM/FOccupationOccupation TypeHistorical AddressDate of Birth
  1939Pittville Lodge, 39 Pittville Lawn    
1.  Elsie R. Wasley 52                 Unmarried F Paid domestic duties class4 domestic service Pittville Lodge, No 1 14 Jun 1887
  1939Clarence Lodge Clarence Square    
2.  Ethel D. French 52                 Unmarried F Housekeeper - Help. class4 domestic service Clarence Lodge 7 Sep 1887
  193932 Evesham Road    
3.  Kathleen Bowles 52                 Unmarried F Housekeeper class4 domestic service 32 Evesham Road (Basement) 30 Apr 1887
  1939100 Evesham Road    
4.  Susan M Gillett 52                 Unmarried F Domestic Service class4 domestic service 100 Evesham Road 15 Jan 1887
  1939Park House, Wellington Square    
5.  James H. Dodwell 52                 Unmarried M Manservant class4 domestic service Beckaford 21 Jun 1887
  1939Richmond West Approach Drive    
6.  Emily Salter 52                 Unmarried F Paid domestic duties class4 domestic service Mount Sorrell, Marle Hill 13 May 1887
  1939Carlton House, Pittville Circus Road    
7.  Emily H. Bartlett 52                 Unmarried F Domestic Service class4 domestic service Carlton, Pittville Circus Road 25 Jun 1887
8.  Ethel Clayfield 52                 Unmarried F Domestic Service class4 domestic service Carlton, Pittville Circus Road 11 May 1887
  193984 Evesham Road    
9.  Emily F. Brain 52                 Unmarried F Domestic Worker class4 domestic service 84 Evesham Road 31 Oct 1886

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