8 Matching Records: displaying 1 to 8
    1939     Register Records    
No. NameAge                Married Name/Military RoleStatusM/FOccupationOccupation TypeHistorical AddressDate of Birth
  19391 Pittville Lawn    
1.  Guy T. Verry 58                 Surgeon Commander R.N. Retired Married M Medical Practitioner class3 doctor [1 Segrave Place] Segrave House, Pittville 5 Nov 1880
  1939Pittville House Wellington Road    
2.  Ernest L. Brash 58                 Married M Solicitors Managing Clerk class3 solicitor's clerk Pittville House No 2, Wellington Road 7 May 1881
  1939110 Evesham Road    
3.  William S. Whitehouse 58                 Married M Fruit Grower & Commercial Traveller class7 fruit-grower 110 Evesham Road 4 Oct 1880
  19396 Clarence Square    
4.  Ralph L. Burrage 58                 Married M Joiner - Ferro Concrete class12 builder 6 Clarence Square 31 Aug 1881
  19399 Clarence Square    
5.  James H. Bonnyman 58                 Married M Consulting Engineer, Manager Marine & General Ship-building class3 engineer 9 Clarence Square 15 May 1881
  1939Westbury, Wellington Square    
6.  George H. Henly 58                 Married M Wholesale Tobacco & Conf[ectioner]y Salesman class17 tobacconist Westbury Wellington Square 1 Sep 1881
  1939Wellesley House (flat B), Wellington Square    
7.  William C. White 58                 Married M Public Works Contractor's Labourer class22 labourer Westbury (Basement) 24 Dec 1880
  19396d Evesham Road    
8.  Alexander R Johnstone 58                 Married M Telecommunication Post Office Engineering Dept. Linesman class1 post office 6 Evesham Road (Basement) 18 Jan 1881

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