16 Matching Records: displaying 1 to 16
    1939     Register Records    
No. NameAge                Married Name/Military RoleStatusM/FOccupationOccupation TypeHistorical AddressDate of Birth
  193928 Evesham Road    
1.  Evelyn J. Banks 49                 Powell Married F Catering Manageress class22 catering 28 Evesham Road 7 Nov 1889
  1939The Grange, Evesham Road    
2.  Raby M. Davies 49                 Davies Married F Unpaid Domestic Duties family The Grange, Evesham Rd 21 Jul 1890
  193911 Clarence Square    
3.  Edith A. Watts 49                 Married F Unpaid Domestic Duties family 11 Clarence Square 1 Sep 1890
  1939Amberley Cottage Clarence Square    
4.  Minnie J. C Shaw [entry struck out] 49                 Widow F Head of household, private means private means Amberley Court, Clarence Square 27 Jun 1890
  193912 Wellington Square    
5.  Gwynneth C. Gurney 49                 Unmarried F Teacher of Domestic Science (illegible) class3 domestic science teacher 12 Wellington Square 3 May 1890
  193918 Wellington Square    
6.  Louisa R. Symonds 49                 Unmarried F General Trained Nurse class3 hospital nurse Maitland Nursing Home. Wellington Sq 15 Jul 1890
  193955 Prestbury Road    
7.  Alice M Stretton 49                 Married F Unpd. dom[estic] duties family 55 Prestbury Road 10 Mar 1890
  1939Malvern Hill House, East Approach Drive    
8.  Constance N Cresswell 49                 Married F Private means private means Malvern Hill House, Albert Road 17 Nov 1889
  193935 Prestbury Road (Kitchen Retailer)    
9.  Bertha Hyatt 49                 Married F Unpaid domestic duties family 35 Prestbury Road 19 Mar 1890
  1939Fairhavens Court, Pittville Circus Road    
10.  Elsie M. Jenkins 49                 Unmarried F Teacher of French at approved maintained second[ary school] Northerwood, Pittville Circus Rd 21 Aug 1890
  19396 Albert Road    
11.  Dorothy Gooding 49                 Married F Unpaid domestic duties family 6 Albert Road 16 Nov 1889
  193915 Northfield Passage    
12.  Nellie Ralph 49                 Unmarried F Invalid family 15 Northfield Passage 29 May 1890
  19395a Pittville Lawn    
13.  Florence L. Johnstone 49                 Married F Unpaid domestic duties family 3 Segrave Place (flat A) 9 Sep 1890
  19392a Wellington Square    
14.  Christine Emily Saunders 49                 Unmarried F Daily Governess - Private Family class4 domestic service 2 Wellington Square (flat A) 10 Oct 1889
  193950a Clarence Square    
15.  Grace Denley 49                 Unmarried F Unpaid Domestic Duties family 50 Clarence Square (Top flat) 14 Nov 1890
  193982 Evesham Road    
16.  Ada M Carpenter 49                 Unmarried F Domestic Services class4 domestic service 82 Evesham Road 22 Jul 1890

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