105 Matching Records: displaying 101 to 105
    1861     Census Records   
No. NameAge                RelationStatusM/FOccupationOccupation TypeHistorical AddressPlace of Birth
101.  Eva Macpherson 1 in 1861                 Granddaughter Unmarried F family 7 Clarence Square , East Indies
    1901     Census Records   
102.  Olive P. Watkins 9 mo in 1901                 Granddaughter Unmarried F family 2 Northfield Terrace Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
    1851     Census Records   
103.  E Maltby 7 months in 1851                 Granddaughter Unmarried F family 18 Clarence Square Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
    1871     Census Records   
104.  Florence R de Courcy Dashwood 3 months in 1871                 Granddaughter Unmarried F family Pittville Circus, Balgowan Ho[use] Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
    1881     Census Records   
105.  (Infant Not Christened) Under 2 mt in 1881                 Granddaughter Unmarried F family East Hayes, [Pittville Circus Road] Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
No. NameAge                RelationStatusM/FOccupationOccupation TypeHistorical AddressPlace of Birth
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