29 Matching Records: displaying 1 to 29
    1871     Census Records   
No. NameAge                RelationStatusM/FOccupationOccupation TypeHistorical AddressPlace of Birth
1.  Eloise Bull 35 in 1871                 Wife Married F family 2 Wellington Square West Beaumaris, Anglesey
    1861     Census Records   
2.  Susanah Whitbread 35 in 1861                 Wife Married F family No 6 [5/6] Leamington Place Ampthill, Bedfordshire
3.  Susanah Whitbread 35 in 1861                 Wife Married F family No 6 [5/6] Leamington Place Ampthill, Bedfordshire
    1911     Census Records   
4.  Emily L. Wallace 35 in 1911                 Wife Married F family Lisle House Stables, Clarence Square Faringdon, Berkshire
    1861     Census Records   
5.  Eliza Hobbs 35 in 1861                 Wife Married F Butler['s] Wife family 6 Portland Terrace (Flat B) Windsor, Berkshire
    1921     Census Records   
6.  Mary C Taylor 35 in 1921                 Wife Married F Home Duties family Drumholm Cambeltown, Argyllshire
7.  Alice Sarah Keck 35 in 1921                 Wife Married F Butchers Clerk class20 butcher clerk 5 Portland Terrace Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
    1911     Census Records   
8.  Edith Mary Gibbins 35 in 1911                 Wife Married F family Cleeveland House Neath, Glamorganshire
    1901     Census Records   
9.  Emily S. Beckingsale 35 in 1901                 Wife Married F family 25 Clarence Square Swansea, Glamorganshire
    1911     Census Records   
10.  Alice Bishop 35 in 1911                 Wife Married F 12a Northfield Passage Barnwood, Gloucestershire
    1901     Census Records   
11.  Annie Robins 35 in 1901                 Wife Married F family 5 Northfield Ter. Chedworth, Gloucestershire
    1911     Census Records   
12.  Eunice Andrews 35 in 1911                 Wife Married F Vine Cottage Chedworth, Gloucestershire
13.  Mary Ruth Bence 35 in 1911                 Wife Married F Camden Villa, Clarence Square Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
    1861     Census Records   
14.  Caroline S A Hawkins 35 in 1861                 Wife Married F family 15 Clarence Square Cheltenham, Gloucestershire