1196 Matching Records: displaying 1 to 50
    1939     Register Records    
No. NameAge                Married Name/Military RoleStatusM/FOccupationOccupation TypeHistorical AddressDate of Birth
1.  Elsie M. Jenkins 49 in 1939                 Unmarried F Teacher of French at approved maintained second[ary school] Northerwood, Pittville Circus Rd ,
2.  Emily M. Mills 70 in 1939                 Widow F Household help (paid) Glenfall Lawn, Pittville Circus ,
3.  Emily Lashbrook 46 in 1939                 family Married F 15 Northfield Passage ,
4.  Jean Middlemiss 69 in 1939                 Unmarried F [Illegible] (uncertain) 5 Clarence Square ,
5.  Ethel A. P. Grist 60 in 1939                 Widow F [illegible] and A.F.A (uncertain) 8 Wellington Square ,
6.  Tryphena R. Barrett 59 in 1939                 family Unmarried F Fruiterer clas20 fruiterer 21 Clarence Square ,
7.  Grace H. Esplin 42 in 1939                 Unmarried F Civil Servant Ministry of Labour class1 civil servant 2 Segrave Place (flat A) ,
8.  Dorothy Fawcett 36 in 1939                 Unmarried F Organiser Phys.Train. Glos Educ. Committee class1 Gloucestershire County Council 7 Anlaby Court ,
9.  Maud Spiller Vines 50 in 1939                 Unmarried F Sub-Postmistress & Stationer class1 post office 31 Prestbury Road ,
10.  Kate E. Webb 65 in 1939                 family Married F Post Office Clerk class1 Post Office clerk 4 Segrave Place ,
11.  Lilian M Howlett 61 in 1939                 Unmarried F Sorting Clerk & Telegraphist (Retired) class1 post office retired 29 Clarence Square ,
12.  Gwendoline S. Hamlin 36 in 1939                 family Unmarried F Artificial Fly dresser class11 fishing tackle maker 54 Albert Road ,
13.  Audrey F Richards 18 in 1939                 family Unmarried F Jewellers Assistant (Sales) class11 jeweller's assistant Parkways, Clarence Square ,
14.  Eleanor Fisher 72 in 1939                 Widow F Upholsteress class13 upholstress Clarence Lodge ,
15.  Muriel E Yeend 30 in 1939                 family Unmarried F Beauty Specialist class15 beauty specialist 96 Evesham Road ,
16.  Florence Gibbs 39 in 1939                 family Married F Chemists Assistant class15 chemist's assistant 6 Prestbury Road ,
17.  Florence M Leach 17 in 1939                 family Unmarried F Filler local Chemists class15 chemist's assistant 12 Northfield Passage ,
18.  Dorothy E. Burnham 24 in 1939                 Unmarried F Shop Assistant, Toilet Dept., Boots Cash Chemists class15 chemist's shop assistant Pittville House No 2, Wellington Road ,
19.  Sheila E. Davies 21 in 1939                 family Unmarried F Shorthand-Typist class17 shorthand typist The Grange, Evesham Rd ,
20.  Amy Hargreaves 47 in 1939                 Widow F Shop Assistant (Stationery) class17 stationer's assistant 35 Clarence Square ,
21.  Vera A. Sampson 37 in 1939                 family Unmarried F Tobacconist & Confectioner (own account) class17 tobacconist retired 19 Evesham Road ,
22.  Joan L Sharrock 17 in 1939                 Unmarried F Typist class17 typist 18b Evesham Road ,
23.  Mabel Isabel Brown 32 in 1939                 Unmarried F Shorthand Typist class17 typist 32 Evesham Road (Basement) ,
24.  Winifred G. Turner 22 in 1939                 Unmarried F Typist class17 typist 19 Clarence Square ,
25.  Rosemary Smith 18 in 1939                 family Unmarried F Shorthand Typist to Mechanical Engineers class17 typist Aubervie, Albert Road ,
26.  Violet M Tremain 17 in 1939                 Unmarried F Shorthand Typist to Mechanical Engineers class17 typist Site of Aubervie 26-40 East Approach Drive ,
27.  Rosa K. Middleton 24 in 1939                 family Unmarried F Sec[retar]y - shorthand typist class17 typist 41 Prestbury Road ,
28.  Kathleen E. Newman 25 in 1939                 Unmarried F Invoice Typist, Patent Food Manufacturers class17 typist 3 Albert Road ,
29.  Mary J. Morigi 29 in 1939                 Unmarried F Typist, Patent Food Manufacturers class17 typist 3 Albert Road ,
30.  Phyllis M. D. Rowe 30 in 1939                 Unmarried F Shorthand Typist, Patent Food Manufacturers class17 typist 3 Albert Road ,
31.  Jose Jones 22 in 1939                 Unmarried F Shorthand typist class17 typist Deanwood Cottage, Pittville Circus Rd ,
32.  Hilda Morris 61 in 1939                 Unmarried F Retired Secretary - Typist class17 typist retired Haddo Flat 4, Pittville Circus Road ,
33.  Eileen Dodridge 24 in 1939                 family2 Unmarried F Shop ass[istan]t (furs & mantles) class18 clothes shop assistant Prestwich Lodge Flat, Pittville Circus Rd (flat) ,
34.  Mollie Y. Cambray 22 in 1939                 family Unmarried F Clothing Shop Assistant class18 clothing assistant Strathdurn, Pittville Circus Rd ,
35.  Ethel M. Millar 53 in 1939                 family Married F Corsetiere class18 corsetiere Deanwood, Pittville Circus Rd ,