79 Matching Records: displaying 51 to 79
    1851     Census Records   
No. NameAge                RelationStatusM/FOccupationOccupation TypeHistorical AddressPlace of Birth
51.  J. Smith 32 in 1851                 Head Married M Servant Class4 domestic service 2 Pittville Parade Yanworth, Gloucestershire
52.  A. Smith 28 in 1851                 Wife Married F family 2 Pittville Parade Shipton, Oxfordshire
53.  C Smith 4 in 1851                 Daughter Unmarried F family 2 Pittville Parade Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
54.  E Smith 10 in 1851                 Niece Unmarried F family 2 Pittville Parade Shipton, Oxfordshire
    1834      Pump Room Subscription Book     
No.Principal occupant EventCurrent AddressHistorical Address
55.  Colonel (visitor?) Penson in 1834                 2 Pittville Parade ,
    1881     Census Records   
No. NameAge                RelationStatusM/FOccupationOccupation TypeHistorical AddressPlace of Birth
56.  Sarah Organ 17 in 1881                 Servant Unmarried F General Serv[ant] domestic service 2 Pittville Parade Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
    1861     Census Records   
57.  Fanny Marlow 27 in 1861                 Servant Unmarried F Ser[vant] domestic service 2 Pittville Parade Stroxton, Lincolnshire
    1921     Census Records   
58.  Mary John 43 in 1921                 Servant Single F Domestic Servant class4 domestic service 2 Pittville Parade Rhyney, Monmouthshire
    1911     Census Records   
59.  Gwladys Hutton 15 in 1911                 Servant Unmarried F General Servant (Domestic) class4 domestic service 2 Pittville Parade Dowlais, Glamorganshire
    1935      Street Directory Records     
No.Principal occupant DirectoryCurrent AddressHistorical Address
60.  Henry James Hooper   Cheltenham Electoral Register 4 Evesham Road 2 Pittville Parade
61.  Louisa Violet Hooper   Cheltenham Electoral Register 4 Evesham Road 2 Pittville Parade
    1891     Census Records   
No. NameAge                RelationStatusM/FOccupationOccupation TypeHistorical AddressPlace of Birth
62.  Elizabeth Hoad 88 in 1891                 Mother-in-law Widow F family 2 Pittville Parade Pett, Sussex
    1934      Street Directory Records     
No.Principal occupant DirectoryCurrent AddressHistorical Address
63.  Elizabeth Hawkins   Cheltenham Electoral Register 4 Evesham Road 2 Pittville Parade
    1846      Pump Room Subscription Book     
No.Principal occupant EventCurrent AddressHistorical Address
64.  Captain Haggerston in 1846                 2 Pittville Parade ,
    1861     Census Records   
No. NameAge                RelationStatusM/FOccupationOccupation TypeHistorical AddressPlace of Birth
65.  Peter J F Gantillon 31 in 1861                 Head Married M Clergyman without cure class3 clergy 2 Pittville Parade Chiswick, Middlesex
66.  Elizabeth Gantillon 34 in 1861                 Wife Married F family 2 Pittville Parade -, Yorkshire
67.  Francis E Gantillon 7 in 1861                 Son Unmarried M Scholar education school 2 Pittville Parade -, Cambridgeshire
    1936      Street Directory Records     
No.Principal occupant DirectoryCurrent AddressHistorical Address
68.  Thomas Crooks   Cheltenham Kelly's Directory 4 Evesham Road 2 Pittville Parade
    1881     Census Records   
No. NameAge                RelationStatusM/FOccupationOccupation TypeHistorical AddressPlace of Birth
69.  James Byrn 69 in 1881                 Head Married M Teacher of Dancing class3 dance teacher 2 Pittville Parade London, Middlesex
70.  Clara M Byrn 37 in 1881                 Wife Married F Teacher of Dancing class3 dance teacher 2 Pittville Parade London, Middlesex
    1861     Census Records   
71.  Hannah Buckle 37 in 1861                 Sister-in-law Unmarried F Visitor visitor 2 Pittville Parade -, Yorkshire
    1838      Pump Room Subscription Book     
No.Principal occupant EventCurrent AddressHistorical Address
72.  Miss Blencowe in 1838                 2 Pittville Parade ,
    1832      Pump Room Subscription Book     
73.  Miss Blencowe in 1832                 2 Pittville Parade ,
    1831      Pump Room Subscription Book     
74.  Miss Blencowe in 1831                 2 Pittville Parade ,
    1851      Pump Room Subscription Book     
75.  Mr Badger in 1851                 2 Pittville Parade ,
    1849      Pump Room Subscription Book     
76.  Mr Badger & family in 1849                 2 Pittville Parade ,
    1848      Pump Room Subscription Book     
77.  Thomas Badger in 1848                 2 Pittville Parade ,
    1934      Street Directory Records     
No.Principal occupant DirectoryCurrent AddressHistorical Address
78.  Arthur James Aldred   Cheltenham Electoral Register 4 Evesham Road 2 Pittville Parade
79.  Dora Marion Aldred   Cheltenham Electoral Register 4 Evesham Road 2 Pittville Parade
No. NameAge                RelationStatusM/FOccupationOccupation TypeHistorical AddressPlace of Birth
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