56 Matching Records: displaying 51 to 56
    1851     Census Records   
No. NameAge                RelationStatusM/FOccupationOccupation TypeHistorical AddressPlace of Birth
51.  Ellen Henley 26 in 1851                 Servant Unmarried F Servant Class4 domestic service Segrave Place: Weston House Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
52.  Charlotte Clifford 25 in 1851                 Servant Unmarried F Servant class4 domestic service Selkirk Parade, Apsley House Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
53.  Ann Church 35 in 1851                 Servant Unmarried F Household Serv[an]t Class4 domestic service Tyndale House Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
54.  John Baylis 16 in 1851                 Servant Unmarried M Footman class4 domestic service Wellington Sqr Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
55.  Joseph Goode 18 in 1851                 Servant Unmarried M House Ser[van]t class4 domestic service Wellington Sqr Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
56.  Wm Mitchell 33 in 1851                 Servant Unmarried M Butler class4 domestic service Well[ingto]n Sqr, Georgina Villa Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
No. NameAge                RelationStatusM/FOccupationOccupation TypeHistorical AddressPlace of Birth
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