81 Matching Records: displaying 51 to 81
    1881     Census Records   
No. NameAge                RelationStatusM/FOccupationOccupation TypeHistorical AddressPlace of Birth
51.  Eliza Hillier 18 in 1881                 Servant Unmarried F Housemaid Do[mestic] Serv[ant] class4 domestic service 10 Clarence Square Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
52.  Minna Artis 16 in 1881                 Servant Unmarried F Housemaid Do[mestic] Serv[ant] class4 domestic service 22 Clarence Square Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
53.  Fanny Clifford 22 in 1881                 Servant Unmarried F Housemaid Do[mestic] Serv[ant] class4 domestic service 38 Clarence Square Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
54.  Louisa Gilder 23 in 1881                 Servant Unmarried F Housemaid Do[mestic] Serv[ant] class4 domestic service 1 Wellesley Villas Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
55.  Alice Pilgrim 17 in 1881                 Servant Unmarried F Housemaid Do[mestic] Serv[ant] class4 domestic service Cranley Lodge Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
56.  Minna Gillett 25 in 1881                 Servant Unmarried F Housemaid, Do[mestic] Serv[ant] class4 domestic service 10 Wellington Sq[uare] W[est] Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
57.  Isabella Green 23 in 1881                 Servant Unmarried F Housemaid, Do[mestic] Serv[ant] class4 domestic service Dover House Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
58.  Ellen Masters 20 in 1881                 Servant Unmarried F Kitchen Maid Class4 domestic service Pittville Mansion Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
59.  Ellen Galloway 19 in 1881                 Servant Unmarried F Kitchen Maid Class4 domestic service Pittville House Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
60.  Margaret Jane Nash 14 in 1881                 Servant Unmarried F Kitchen Maid (Domestic Servant) class4 domestic service Pittville Court Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
61.  Emily Matthews 16 in 1881                 Servant Unmarried F Kitchenmaid (Domestic Serv[an]t) class4 domestic service Malvern Hill House Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
62.  Mary Thompson 44 in 1881                 Servant Unmarried F Ladiesmaid Do[mestic] Serv[ant] domestic service 10 Pittville Parade Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
63.  Ann Johnston 55 in 1881                 Servant Unmarried F Lady's Maid class4 domestic service 11 Clarence Square Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
64.  Maria Baylis 20 in 1881                 Servant Unmarried F Nurse (Dom[estic] Serv[ant]) class4 domestic service Sunnyside, [Pittville Circus Road] Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
65.  Mary Bethell 14 in 1881                 Servant Unmarried F Nurse Dom[estic] class4 domestic service Melcomb House Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
66.  Annie Thomas 20 in 1881                 Servant Unmarried F Nurse Do[mestic] Serv[ant] class4 domestic service 48 Clarence Sqr Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
67.  Jemima Griffin 24 in 1881                 Servant Unmarried F Nurse Do[mestic] Serv[ant] class4 domestic service 1 Wellesley Villas Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
68.  Roseanna Gregory 14 in 1881                 Daughter Unmarried F Nursemaid class4 domestic service 16 Northfield Ter[race] Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
69.  Ellen Bee 21 in 1881                 Servant Unmarried F Nursemaid Do[mestic] Serv[ant] class4 domestic service 1 Clarence Square Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
70.  Fanny Spencer 18 in 1881                 Servant Unmarried F Nursemaid. Do[mestic] Serv[ant] class4 domestic service Lisle H[ou]s[e], Clarence Sqr Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
71.  Ellen Boyle 28 in 1881                 Servant Unmarried F Parlour Maid Class4 domestic service 2 Berkeley Villas Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
72.  Fanny Moxey 27 in 1881                 Servant Unmarried F Parlour Maid Class4 domestic service Pittville Lawn Villa Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
73.  Emma Herbert 35 in 1881                 Servant Unmarried F Parlourmaid (Dom[estic] Serv[ant]) class4 domestic service Strathdurn, [Pittville Circus Road] Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
74.  Eva M Lewis 27 in 1881                 Servant Unmarried F Parlourmaid Do[mestic] Serv[ant] class4 domestic service Wellesley House Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
75.  Emma Walkeley 20 in 1881                 Servant Unmarried F Parlourmaid Do[mestic] Serv[ant] class4 domestic service Wellington Villa Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
76.  Annie Piper 22 in 1881                 Servant Unmarried F Servant Cook Dom[estic] class4 domestic service 17 Pittville Villas Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
77.  Elizabeth McArdle 17 in 1881                 Daughter Unmarried F Servant out of employment Class4 domestic service 5 Pittville Lawn Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
78.  Susan McArdle 14 in 1881                 Daughter Unmarried F Servant out of employment Class4 domestic service 5 Pittville Lawn Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
79.  Louisa Tandy 15 in 1881                 Servant Unmarried F Under Housemaid Do[mestic] Serv[ant] domestic service 17 Pittville Parade Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
80.  Annie E. Bee 17 in 1881                 Servant Unmarried F Under Housemaid, Do[mestic] Serv[ant] class4 domestic service Dover House Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
81.  Louisa Kate Cook 14 in 1881                 Servant Unmarried F Undernurse (Dom[estic] Serv[an]t) class4 domestic service Northlands, [Pittville Circus] Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
No. NameAge                RelationStatusM/FOccupationOccupation TypeHistorical AddressPlace of Birth
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