57 Matching Records: displaying 51 to 57
    1871     Census Records   
No. NameAge                RelationStatusM/FOccupationOccupation TypeHistorical AddressPlace of Birth
51.  Ann Showers 81 in 1871                 Head Widow F W[idow] of the late Gen Showers private means Pittville Cir[cus], Apsley Ho[use] Taunton, Somerset
52.  Louisa Howorth 53 in 1871                 Head Widow F [blank] private means 10 Pittville Villas , India
53.  Jane Scott 52 in 1871                 Head Widow F [blank] private means 7 Leamington Place Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
54.  Mary Margaretts 70 in 1871                 Head Widow F private means 11 Leamington Place Sherborne, Gloucestershire
55.  Eliza M Gillett 66 in 1871                 Head Widow F Dividends private means 2 Portland Terrace Minchinhampton, Gloucestershire
56.  Margaret Block 45 in 1871                 Head Widow F Interest on Money (Income) private means Pittville Circus, Queensholme Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka
57.  Isabella S. Byrne 68 in 1871                 Head Widow F Income from Dividends & Interest on Money private means Pittville Cir[cus], Glenfall Villa London, Middlesex
No. NameAge                RelationStatusM/FOccupationOccupation TypeHistorical AddressPlace of Birth
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