87 Matching Records: displaying 51 to 87
    1851     Census Records   
No. NameAge                RelationStatusM/FOccupationOccupation TypeHistorical AddressPlace of Birth
51.  G. Macpherson 8 in 1851                 Grandson Unmarried M Scholar education school 8 Clarence Square , East Indies
52.  E P Maltby 6 in 1851                 Grandson Unmarried M family 18 Clarence Square Madras, East Indies
53.  F. C. Maltby 3 in 1851                 Grandson Unmarried M family 18 Clarence Square Madras, East Indies
    1891     Census Records   
54.  Cecil S. Manners 9 in 1891                 Grandson Unmarried M Scholar education school 16 Wellington Square , East Indies
55.  Lionel R Manners 8 in 1891                 Grandson Unmarried M Scholar education school 16 Wellington Square , East Indies
    1861     Census Records   
56.  John Bird Mcdonnel 4 in 1861                 Grandson Unmarried M family Pittville House -, East Indies
57.  William Fraser Mcdonnel 1 in 1861                 Grandson Unmarried M family Pittville House Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
    1851     Census Records   
58.  Chs G S Menteath 20 in 1851                 Grandson Unmarried M family Ross House , Scotland
    1861     Census Records   
59.  Wm Fredk Metsge 30 in 1861                 Grandson Married M late Capt in HM Service class2 army services officer retired Pittville Villas No 4 Magillycuddy, Ireland
    1921     Census Records   
60.  James Francis Monk 5 in 1921                 Grandson Single M Whole Time [Education] education school Cranley Lodge Punjab, India
    1861     Census Records   
61.  John Osborne 19 in 1861                 Grandson Unmarried M Gent[leman] private means 12 Wellington Sq[ua]r[e] , France
    1921     Census Records   
62.  Edward Francis Howard Paget 10 in 1921                 Grandson Single M Whole time [Education] education private 4 Haddo, Pittville Circus Road Oxford, Oxfordshire
    1871     Census Records   
63.  Llewellyn R. Parsons 4 in 1871                 Grandson M Visitor visitor 4 Leamington Place Southgate, Middlesex
64.  Gerald O Parsons 3 in 1871                 Grandson M Visitor visitor 4 Leamington Place Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
65.  Francis L. Parsons 2 in 1871                 Grandson M Visitor visitor 4 Leamington Place London, Middlesex
66.  Christopher S. Parsons 7 m in 1871                 Grandson M Visitor visitor 4 Leamington Place London, Middlesex
    1891     Census Records   
67.  Rudolph A. Peters 12 months in 1891                 Grandson Unmarried M family Stanley Lawn Fulham, London
    1861     Census Records   
68.  James Murray Robertson 10 in 1861                 Grandson [Unmarried] M [blank] family Pittville -, Sri Lanka
69.  Charles Murray Robertson 8 in 1861                 Grandson [Unmarried] M [blank] family Pittville -, Sri Lanka
    1901     Census Records   
70.  Arthur Shewell 4 in 1901                 Grandson Unmarried M family Pittville Circus, Ash Priors Nasirabad, India
    1871     Census Records   
71.  John Shittler 5 in 1871                 Grandson Unmarried M Scholar education school Pittville Cir, Apsly Villa Bishopstone, Wiltshire
    1911     Census Records   
72.  Patrick Smith 5 in 1911                 Grandson Unmarried M family The Grange, Marle Hill St Budeaux, Devonshire
    1881     Census Records   
73.  Henry Smith 11 in 1881                 Grandson Unmarried M Scholar education school 13 Clarence Square Lower Norwood, Middlesex
    1891     Census Records   
74.  Fredk. Wm. Smith 12 in 1891                 Grandson M Scholar education school 4 Portland Place Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
    1881     Census Records   
75.  Frederick W Smith 2 in 1881                 Grandson Unmarried M family 2 Winchcomb Place Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
    1871     Census Records   
76.  Charles J Smith 12 in 1871                 Grandson Unmarried M Scholar education school No 2 Cottage Place Honiton, Devonshire
77.  Ernest W Smith 7 in 1871                 Grandson Unmarried M Scholar education school No 2 Cottage Place Newport, Monmouthshire
    1851     Census Records   
78.  John R. Steele 8 in 1851                 Grandson Unmarried M [blank] family Dorset V[illa], P[ittville] Lawn Hydon, Wiltshire
79.  Montague Steele 2 in 1851                 Grandson Unmarried M [blank] family Dorset V[illa], P[ittville] Lawn Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
    1881     Census Records   
80.  Francis H Surman 10 in 1881                 Grandson Unmarried M Scholar education school 1 & 2 Portland Terrace Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
    1891     Census Records   
81.  Raymond S. Taylor 7 in 1891                 Grandson Unmarried M Scholar education school Elton Villa Shortlands, Kent
82.  Cuthbert Taylor 1 in 1891                 Grandson Unmarried M family Elton Villa Watford, Hertfordshire
    1901     Census Records   
83.  William A Taylor 3 in 1901                 Grandson Unmarried M class18 draper assistant 8 Leamington Pl[ace] London, Middlesex
    1921     Census Records   
84.  Neil Webster 14 in 1921                 Grandson Single M Whole time [Education] education private Beaufort Pennal, Aberdovey, Merionethshire
    1881     Census Records   
85.  Walter Walmesley White 5 in 1881                 Grandson Unmarried M Scholar education school 2 Fern Bank, [Pittville Circus Road] , Leicester
    1891     Census Records   
86.  Cecil B Wilkins 16 in 1891                 Grandson Unmarried M family Pittville House East Indies, East Indies
    1851     Census Records   
87.  H Williams 18 in 1851                 Grandson Unmarried M Yard Man class7 yard man 18 Northfield Terrace Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
No. NameAge                RelationStatusM/FOccupationOccupation TypeHistorical AddressPlace of Birth
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