4 Matching Records: displaying 1 to 4
    1939     Register Records    
No. NameAge                Married Name/Military RoleStatusM/FOccupationOccupation TypeHistorical AddressDate of Birth
  193959 Pittville Lawn    
1.  Stephen Maynard 12                 Unmarried M At school education school 11 Pittville Lawn 26 May 1927
  193934 Evesham Road    
2.  Theodore Morris 12                 Unmarried M At School education school 34 Evesham Road 25 Oct 1926
  1939Rathlin, Pittville Circus    
3.  George E. Ward 12                 Unmarried M At school education school Rathlin, Pittville Circus 15 Jun 1927
4.  Barrie E. Prince 12                 Unmarried M At school education school Rathlin, Pittville Circus 28 Jun 1927

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