8 Matching Records: displaying 1 to 8
    1939     Register Records    
No. NameAge                Married Name/Military RoleStatusM/FOccupationOccupation TypeHistorical AddressDate of Birth
  19394 Evesham Road    
1.  Lionel Argent 52                 Married M Aircraft Worker class6 aircraft worker 4 Evesham Road 14 Sep 1887
  19395 Evesham Road    
2.  Frederick A. Hawker 52                 Married M Caterers Cook class20 cook 5 Evesham Road 5 Feb 1887
  193920 Evesham Road    
3.  Alfred N Shorter 52                 Married M Chauffeur (Mechanic) class4 domestic service chauffeur 20 Evesham Road 10 Apr 1887
  19397 Clarence Square    
4.  Charles F. S. C. Clements 52                 Married M Refrig[eration] Expert Gas Office class21 gas refrigeration 7 Clarence Square 14 Aug 1887
  193947 Prestbury Road    
5.  Ernest V Lyon 52                 Married M Bank Cashier (Lloyds') class5 bank cashier 47 Prestbury Road 31 May 1887
  1939Irving House, Flats 15-27, Pittville Circus Road    
6.  William T. Cambray 52                 Married M Bank Manager class5 bank manager Strathdurn, Pittville Circus Rd 31 May 1887
  19395a Pittville Lawn    
7.  Herbert Johnstone 52                 Control of A.R.P. Work at Martyns Sunningend Works Cheltenham Married M Architect, Architectural Interior decorator, Draughtsman, Artist,Building Supervisor class3 architect 3 Segrave Place (flat A) 12 Jan 1887
  1939Burston House (C), Pittville Circus    
8.  Percy Carpenter 52                 Married M Carpenter & metal worker (on own a/c). Disabled ex Serviceman class12 carpenter Burston House, Pittville Circus 2 Feb 1887

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