17 Matching Records: displaying 1 to 17
    1939     Register Records    
No. NameAge                Married Name/Military RoleStatusM/FOccupationOccupation TypeHistorical AddressDate of Birth
  19396 Clarence Square    
1.  John S. Burrage 31                 Married M Ferro-Concrete, General Foreman class12 builder 6 Clarence Square 19 Dec 1907
  1939Clive Lodge, Wellington Square    
2.  Reuben Gale 31                 Married M Solicitor class3 solicitor Clive Lodge 20 Dec 1907
  1939St Ives' Court, East Approach Drive    
3.  Charles J H Lucy 31                 Territorial Army Officers' Reserve Class 1 RASC Married M Company Director Military Transport class5 director Marston, 120 Albert Road 2 May 1908
  1939Site of Aubervie, 26-40 East Approach Drive    
4.  Violet E Smith 31                 Married F Unpaid Domestic Duties family Aubervie, Albert Road 4 Jul 1908
  1939Fairhavens Court (A), Pittville Circus Road    
5.  Evelyn M. Bowstead 31                 Married F Unp[ai]d dom[estic] duties family Northerwood (Basement flat), Pittville Circus Rd 2 Aug 1908
  1939Rothesay Mansion, 2c Albert Road    
6.  Kathleen G. R. Ash 31                 Married F Unpaid domestic duties family Basement, 2 Albert Road 20 Jan 1908
  19392 Northfield Terrace    
7.  Nora E. Wixey 31                 Chelt. Aux. Fire Service. Married F Housewife family 2 Northfield Terrace 10 Aug 1908
  193937a Pittville Lawn    
8.  Gladys W. Taylor 31                 Married F Unpain domestic duties family 5 Pittville Lawn (flat A) 11 Jun 1908
  19391a Wellington Square    
9.  Evelyn F Walker 31                 Married F Unpaid Domestic Duties [daughter of Bertie J. Greening] family 1 Wellington Square (flat A) 11 Feb 1908
  193936a Clarence Square    
10.  Frederick E Mann 31                 Married M Aircraft Instrument & Tool Maker class6 aircraft tool-maker 36 Clarence Square 4 Aug 1908
  193932a Evesham Road    
11.  Edith Eustace 31                 Married F Unpaid Domestic Duties family 32 Evesham Road (Basement) 15 Feb 1908
  19394 Anlaby Court, Evesham Road    
12.  Phyllis M Cooper 31                 Married F Unpaid Domestic Duties family 4 Anlaby Court 5 Apr 1908
  19394b Evesham Road    
13.  Cecil W Firth 31                 Married M Sugar Boiler, Heavy Worker, Confectioner class20 confectioner 4 Evesham Road 26 Sep 1908
  193920 Anlaby Court, Evesham Road    
14.  Doris Hurst 31                 Married F Unpaid Domestic Duties family 20 Anlaby Court, Evesham Road 25 Jul 1908
  1939Askham Court (C), Pittville Circus Road    
15.  Horace J. Taylor 31                 Married M Aircraft fitter. Motor Mechanic class6 aircraft and car mechanic Flat 5, Shirley H[ou]se, Pittville Circus Rd 12 Sep 1908
  1939Devonshire House (C) Wellington Road    
16.  Daisy Jones 31                 Married F Unpaid domestic duties family Halsey House, Basement, Wellington Road 1 May 1908
  1939Lisle Mews, Wellington Road    
17.  George J. Edwards 31                 Married M Taxi Labourer & Driver class6 taxi-driver Lisle Cottage, Wellington Road 22 Mar 1908

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