24 Matching Records: displaying 1 to 24
    1939     Register Records    
No. NameAge                Married Name/Military RoleStatusM/FOccupationOccupation TypeHistorical AddressDate of Birth
  193947 Pittville Lawn    
1.  Charles B. Williams 39                 Married M Planning Engineer Aircraft Production class6 aircraft manufacture 7 Pittville Lawn 25 Mar 1900
  1939Tyndale Clarence Square    
2.  Ernest L.Constable 23                 Unmarried M Sheet Metal worker - Aircraft class6 aircraft manufacture Tyndale, Clarence Square 26 May 1916
3.  Henry D. Critchell 30                 Unmarried M Sheet Metal worker - Aircraft class6 aircraft manufacture Tyndale, Clarence Square 26 Sep 1909
4.  Herbert Barker 25                 ARP Leader Gloster Aircraft Unmarried M Sheet Metal worker - Aircraft class6 aircraft manufacture Tyndale, Clarence Square 26 Aug 1914
  19397 Evesham Road    
5.  Horace Parkin 39                 Married M Woodworker {aircraft) class6 aircraft manufacture 7 Evesham Road 19 Jan 1900
  19398 Wellington Square    
6.  Frank Rogers 57                 Married M Ex P.C. now at Brockworth Nat. War Work class6 aircraft manufacture 8 Wellington Square 23 Feb 1882
  193957 Prestbury Road    
7.  Regd. E. Shaw 35                 Married M Aircraft tank fitter class6 aircraft manufacture 57 Prestbury Road 25 Jan 1904
8.  Leslie Ellis 25                 Unmarried M Aircraft. Sheet metal worker class6 aircraft manufacture 57 Prestbury Road 17 Aug 1914
9.  Alex. J. Fry 21                 Unmarried M Aircraft. Sheet metal worker class6 aircraft manufacture 57 Prestbury Road 2 Nov 1917
10.  Stanley Craighill 35                 Unmarried M Aircraft sheet metal worker class6 aircraft manufacture 57 Prestbury Road 27 Nov 1903
  193930 Prestbury Road    
11.  Eric Holland 32                 Unmarried M Aircraft Fitter class6 aircraft manufacture 30 Prestbury Road 9 Nov 1906
  193939 Prestbury Road    
12.  Chas. W. Nex 35                 Member of Civil Air Guard Married M Aircraft hydraulic retractable undercarriage fitter class6 aircraft manufacture 39 Prestbury Road 12 Jun 1904
  19391 Prestbury Road (empty shop)    
13.  Reginald Seth Fisher 44                 Married M Aircraft Fitter class6 aircraft manufacture 1 Prestbury Road 10 Aug 1895
  19391 Northfield Terrace    
14.  Alan J. Biggs 40                 Married M Fitter Air Craft class6 aircraft manufacture 1 Northfield Terrace 10 Feb 1899
  19392 Northfield Terrace    
15.  Donald A. Wixey 22                 [??]rtins Chelt. Fire Brigade Married M Aircraft Joiner Body Builder class6 aircraft manufacture 2 Northfield Terrace 13 Dec 1916
  19397 Northfield Terrace    
16.  Arnold C Fairfoot 31                 Unmarried M Aircraft Engineer class6 aircraft manufacture 7 Northfield Terrace 8 Sep 1908
  193912 Northfield Passage    
17.  William Leach 46                 Married M Aircraft Co Labourers (Brockworth) class6 aircraft manufacture 12 Northfield Passage 7 Sep 1893
  193936 Prestbury Road (flat A)    
18.  William R Ray 29                 Married M Aircraft Works Storekeeper class6 aircraft manufacture 36 Prestbury Road 1 Apr 1910
  1939Formosa House, Northfield Terrace (flat A)    
19.  Frederick J Gerrard 44                 Married M Fitter Air craft class6 aircraft manufacture Formosa House, Northfield Terrace 1 Feb 1895
  193929b Pittville Lawn    
20.  Frank French 48                 Married M Storekeeper Aeroplane Factory class6 aircraft manufacture 1 Pittville Lawn (flat B) 13 Feb 1891
  19395b Evesham Road    
21.  Clifford R Tonge 28                 Unmarried M Lathe Hand Aeroplane parts class6 aircraft manufacture 5 Evesham Road 10 Jul 1911
  19395c Evesham Road    
22.  William H Hall 31                 Divorced M Fitter. Aeroplane parts class6 aircraft manufacture 5 Evesham Road 29 Sep 1908
  1939Homespring House (C), Pittville Circus Road    
23.  U[l]ric Armstrong 22                 Married M Riveters labourer, Gloster Aircraft Co[mpan]y class6 aircraft manufacture Deanwood, Pittville Circus Rd 26 Apr 1917
  1939Irving House, Flat 3, Pittville Circus Road    
24.  Anthony G. Willis 43                 Married M Aircraft Worker class6 aircraft manufacture Askham House, Pittville Circus Rd 6 Mar 1896
No. NameAge                RelationStatusM/FOccupationOccupation TypeHistorical AddressPlace of Birth

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