18 Matching Records: displaying 1 to 18
    1939     Register Records    
No. NameAge                Married Name/Military RoleStatusM/FOccupationOccupation TypeHistorical AddressDate of Birth
  1939Devonshire House Wellington Road    
1.  Emma F. Stevens 59                 Widow F Unpaid domestic duties family Halsey House No 2, Wellington Road 20 Apr 1880
  193920 Evesham Road    
2.  Alice Shorter 59                 Married F Unpaid Domestic Duties family 20 Evesham Road 8 Feb 1880
  1939102 Evesham Road    
3.  Cecily Carpenter 59                 Widow F Domestic - Cook class4 domestic service 102 Evesham Road 1 Dec 1879
  1939[Site of Marle Hill Pittville Park grounds]    
4.  Gladys M. Jones 59                 Unmarried F Private Means private means Marle Hill House, Evesham Rd 15 May 1880
  193921 Clarence Square    
5.  Tryphena R. Barrett 59                 Unmarried F Fruiterer clas20 fruiterer 21 Clarence Square 19 May 1880
  193933 Clarence Square    
6.  Gertrude A Payne 59                 Unmarried F Domestic class4 domestic service 33 Clarence Square 31 Oct 1879
  1939Wellesley/Clarence Court Hotel Clarence Square    
7.  Alice Edgar 59                 Unmarried F Hospital Matron Retired class4 hospital matron Wellesley Court Hotel, Clarence Square 9 Feb 1880
  19392 Wellington Square    
8.  Norah G. Farmer 59                 Married F Private Means private means 2 Wellington Square 27 Jan 1880
  19399 Wellington Square    
9.  Florence Seabrook 59                 Married F Unpaid Domestic Duties family 9 Wellington Square 1 Dec 1879
  1939St Ives' Court, East Approach Drive    
10.  Frances R. Lucy 59                 Widow F Unpaid domestic duties family Marston, 120 Albert Road 27 Sep 1880
  193960 Prestbury Road    
11.  Caroline Frampton 59                 Unmarried F Unpaid domestic duties family 60 Prestbury Road 12 Jan 1880
  1939Priors Lodge, Pittville Circus    
12.  Kathleen Morris 59                 Unmarried F Nurse class3 nurse Ash Priors (Nursing Home), Pittville Circus 26 Mar 1880
  1939Berkhampstead School (A) Pittville Circus Road    
13.  Mabel Price 59                 Married F Unpaid Domestic Duties family Beechmount, Pittville Circus Rd. 5 Sep 1880
  193937b Pittville Lawn    
14.  Ruth Peppercorn 59                 Unmarried F Private means unpaid domestic duties private means 5 Pittville Lawn (flat B) 9 Jan 1880
  19391a Clarence Square    
15.  Annie Beach 59                 Unmarried F State Registered Nurse. Private NursingTrai[ning] class3 nurse 1 Clarence Square 11 Sep 1880
  193924a Evesham Road    
16.  E A. Smith 59                 Married F Unpaid Domestic Duties family 24 Evesham Road 30 Sep 1879
  193918 Anlaby Court, Evesham Road    
17.  Hannah S Nelson 59                 Married F Unpaid Domestic Services family 18 Anlaby Court Evesham Road 18 Oct 1879
  1939Garden House, West Drive    
18.  Clara Winterbotham 59                 Chairman of Billeting Council, Member of Billeting Tribunal ?? Unmarried F Private means private means Garden House, West Drive 2 Aug 1880

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