9 Matching Records: displaying 1 to 9
    1939     Register Records    
No. NameAge                Married Name/Military RoleStatusM/FOccupationOccupation TypeHistorical AddressDate of Birth
  193919 Clarence Square    
1.  Joseph H. Smith 41                 Married M [Illegible] Retired family retired 19 Clarence Square 10 Sep 1898
  19396 Wellington Square    
2.  Arthur H. Yeates 41                 Married M Builders Clerk class12 builder's clerk 6 Wellington Square 7 Aug 1898
  1939Avondale House (flat A), Wellington Square    
3.  Norman Whittingham 41                 Married M Head Discharged Army 1918. Permanent Disability Pensioner No.1 Avondale House 16 Jun 1898
  1939Pittville Lodge (flat A), 39 Pittville Lawn    
4.  Thomas Horsfield 41                 Married M Bank cashier class5 bank cashier Pittville Lodge, No 2 26 Mar 1898
  193930a Clarence Square    
5.  John G. W. Boxall 41                 ARP Motor Driver (own car) Married M Decorator class12 decorator 30 Clarence Square 28 Apr 1898
  19398c Evesham Road    
6.  George T. Denley 41                 Married M Lorry Driver. Builders Labourer class12 builder's labourer 8 Evesham Road 8 Dec 1897
  193924c Evesham Road    
7.  Paddy Dunne 41                 Unmarried M Employed Temporarily - G.P.O. class1 post office 24 Evesham Road 23 Aug 1898
  1939Tower House (A), Pittville Circus    
8.  Robert B. K. Rees-Thomas 41                 Married M Independent means private means The Tower House, Pittville Circus (Garden Flat) 5 May 1898
  1939Heath Lodge (C), Pittville Circus    
9.  Percy A. Pontin 41                 Married M General Labourer (heavy worker) class22 labourer Basement Flat, Heath Lodge, Pittville Circus 11 Dec 1897

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