6 Matching Records: displaying 1 to 6
    1939     Register Records    
No. NameAge                Married Name/Military RoleStatusM/FOccupationOccupation TypeHistorical AddressDate of Birth
  193917 Evesham Road    
1.  Lucy A. Ratcliffe 54                 Unmarried F Queen Anne SRN Nursing - S.C.M. Inspector Queens Inst District class3 hospital nurse 17 Evesham Road 28 Jan 1885
2.  Betsy F. Fulcher 69                 Unmarried F Retired Queens Nurse Supt class3 hospital nurse retired 17 Evesham Road 21 Oct 1869
3.  Elsie Holman 38                 Married F Unpaid domestic duties family 17 Evesham Road 11 Sep 1901
4.  Doris Venables 36                 Married F Unpaid domestic duties family 17 Evesham Road 27 Feb 1903
5.  Patricia Venables 9                 Royston Unmarried F At school education school 17 Evesham Road 25 Oct 1929
6.  Sybil K Venables 3                 Ward Unmarried F Under school age family 17 Evesham Road 30 Aug 1936

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