25 Matching Records: displaying 1 to 25
    1939     Register Records    
No. NameAge                Married Name/Military RoleStatusM/FOccupationOccupation TypeHistorical AddressDate of Birth
  19399 Clarence Road    
1.  Annie Bevan 41                 Unmarried F Drapers Assistant class19 draper's assistant 2 Sussex Villas 12 Jan 1898
  1939Camden House Clarence Square    
2.  Elsie Fawcett 41                 A.R.P. Warden [illegible] F Unpaid Domestic Duties family Holy Trinity Vicarage 12 Apr 1898
  1939104 Evesham Road    
3.  Doris M. K Morris 41                 Married F Unpaid Domestic Duties family 104 Evesham Road 22 Jan 1898
  193919 Clarence Square    
4.  Joseph H. Smith 41                 Married M [Illegible] Retired family retired 19 Clarence Square 10 Sep 1898
  1939Wellesley/Clarence Court Hotel Clarence Square    
5.  Dorothy F. Hands 41                 Unmarried F Unpaid Domestic Duties. Paid Clerical [illegible] family Wellesley Court Hotel, Clarence Square 22 Jun 1898
  19396 Wellington Square    
6.  Daisy A. Yeates 41                 Brown Married F Domestic class4 domestic service 6 Wellington Square 16 Aug 1898
7.  Arthur H. Yeates 41                 Married M Builders Clerk class12 builder's clerk 6 Wellington Square 7 Aug 1898
  1939Old Lodge, Wellington Square    
8.  Gladys E. Wallace 41                 Unmarried F Housekeeper class4 domestic service Flesk Lodge 27 Sep 1898
  1939Avondale House (flat A), Wellington Square    
9.  Norman Whittingham 41                 Married M Head Discharged Army 1918. Permanent Disability Pensioner No.1 Avondale House 16 Jun 1898
  1939East Eglinton, Pittville Circus    
10.  Nellie Trapp 41                 Rickie Widowed F Housekeeper - paid class4 domestic service Eglinton East, Pittville Circus 1 Feb 1898
  1939Oakbank, Hayes Road    
11.  Elfrida M. S. Chester 41                 Married F Unp[ai]d dom[estic] duties family Oakbank, Pittville Circus Rd 28 Feb 1898
  1939Pittville School House, Albert Road    
12.  Marjorie L. Hayden 41                 Married F Caretaker Secondary School class4 caretaker School House, Albert Road 28 Jun 1898
  193966 Prestbury Road (flat A)    
13.  Olive D. E. Hartley 41                 Married F Unpaid domestic duties family 66 Prestbury Road 1 Mar 1898
  1939Formosa House, Northfield Terrace (flat A)    
14.  Beatrice D Gerrard 41                 Married F Housekeeper class4 domestic service Formosa House, Northfield Terrace 28 Jan 1898
  1939Pittville Lodge (flat A), 39 Pittville Lawn    
15.  Thomas Horsfield 41                 Married M Bank cashier class5 bank cashier Pittville Lodge, No 2 26 Mar 1898
  193947a Pittville Lawn    
16.  Vera W. Lyon 41                 Married F Unpaid domestic duties family 7 Pittville Lawn (flat A) 9 May 1898
  1939Wellesley House (flat B), Wellington Square    
17.  Bessie R. White 41                 Married F Unpaid Domestic Duties family Westbury (Basement) 15 Sep 1898
  193930a Clarence Square    
18.  John G. W. Boxall 41                 ARP Motor Driver (own car) Married M Decorator class12 decorator 30 Clarence Square 28 Apr 1898
  19398c Evesham Road    
19.  George T. Denley 41                 Married M Lorry Driver. Builders Labourer class12 builder's labourer 8 Evesham Road 8 Dec 1897
  193924c Evesham Road    
20.  Paddy Dunne 41                 Unmarried M Employed Temporarily - G.P.O. class1 post office 24 Evesham Road 23 Aug 1898
  193982 Evesham Road    
21.  Phyllis M. Smith 41                 Divorced F Unpaid Domestic Duties family 82 Evesham Road 9 May 1898
  193917 Anlaby Court, Evesham Road    
22.  Gladys Butterworth 41                 W.V.S. Married F Housewife Unpaid Domestic Duties family 17 Anlaby Court Evesham Road 7 May 1898
  1939Kingsmuir Hotel (F), Pittville Circus    
23.  Elsie H.] M. Sandell 41                 Unmarried F Domestic class4 domestic service Kingsmuir, Pittville Circus 31 Dec 1969
  1939Tower House (A), Pittville Circus    
24.  Robert B. K. Rees-Thomas 41                 Married M Independent means private means The Tower House, Pittville Circus (Garden Flat) 5 May 1898
  1939Heath Lodge (C), Pittville Circus    
25.  Percy A. Pontin 41                 Married M General Labourer (heavy worker) class22 labourer Basement Flat, Heath Lodge, Pittville Circus 11 Dec 1897
No. NameAge                RelationStatusM/FOccupationOccupation TypeHistorical AddressPlace of Birth

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